Sunday, August 5, 2007


The young folks I know in St. Louis either despise the time spent here away from college or are in denial of the shitty people they call friends.

I learned a long time ago to keep the exploiters at at arms length. Its hard to push away people who constantly bum rides, talk shit about you, and do everything in their power to not grow up. Those people tend to have some characteristic that is appealing, a certain outgoingness is usually the case. Bohemian attitude a close second.

But these young folks, like those who returned to the Zone of Alienation after the nuclear disaster of 1986, they believe in and pray for something that will never be.


Unknown said...

"people who constantly bum rides, talk shit about you, and do everything in their power to not grow up. Those people tend to have some characteristic that is appealing, a certain outgoingness is usually the case."

Sounds kind of like you when we were friends.

~ said...

I neither despise any time spent here nor am in denial about my friends ('cause I have none). Then again, I'm sure I don't factor into the group of "people you know."

workinclasszero said...

Yeah, Ariel. But I fucking grew up.

I envy my friends who, within the month, will go back to their respective places of study. Who are making themselves better. While I stay the same. This place is dead to me. Its not changing, it never will.